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Version: 0.15


Expressions appear anywhere in SELECT statements, such as select_list, where clause, or group-by clause.

A expression is one of the following subsections.


Null constant

Null constant literal

Numeric constant

Currently, the following numeric literals are supported.

Integer constant literal
Float constant literal

Both are evaluated as minimal-sized signed value. For example, 1 is evaluated as SMALLINT, and 4294967296 (2^32) is evaluated as INTEGER.

String constant

A string constant UTF-8 string wrapped by ' (single quote). It is evaluated into a TEXT type.

String constant literal examples
'abc def'

Boolean constant


Duration constant

Constructed from a function call prefixed DURATION_.

Column reference

A column in a stream can be referenced as follows:

Column reference
<stream name>.<column name>

Note that, currently, you cannot omit the stream name.

Special columns

For streams without ROWTIME keyword, the ptime special column is available to get the processing time of rows.

<stream name>.ptime

Operator invocation

An operator takes one (unary operator) or two (binary operator) operands.

A operand is also an expression.

Unary operator
<unary operator> <expression>
Binary operator
<expression> <binary operator> <expression>
  • Unary operators:
    • -: Make the expression negative.
  • Binary operators:
    • =: Check if two expressions are equal.
    • +: Add two expressions.
    • *: Multiply two expressions.
    • AND: Check if two expressions are both true.

Function call

A function call is composed of a function name and arguments.

Function call
<function name> (<arg1>, <arg2>, ...)

A function is evaluated in the row-by-row basis, unlike aggregate expressions.

Currently, these functions are available.

  • DURATION_MILLIS(<integer>): Construct a DURATION type value from a integer number (milliseconds).
  • DURATION_SECS(<integer>): Construct a DURATION type value from a integer number (seconds).
  • FLOOR(<float>): Return the integer part of a float number.
  • FLOOR_TIME(<timestamp>, <resolution (duration type)>): Return the timestamp rounded down to the nearest resolution.

Aggregate expression

An aggregate expression is composed of an aggregate function name and arguments.

Aggregate expression
<aggregate function name> (<arg1>, <arg2>, ...)

Aggregate expressions are called with window clauses. The final result of an aggregate expression is output when a window pane is closed.

Currently, these aggregate functions are available.

  • AVG(<number>): Average of a number. Result is a float number.